
9 Companion Plants You Should Never Grow With Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a staple in many gardens, prized for their versatility and delicious flavor. However, not all plants make good companions for tomatoes. In fact, some can hinder their growth or even attract pests. Here are nine companion plants you should avoid planting near your tomatoes to ensure a successful harvest.

1. Corn

While corn and tomatoes may seem like a classic pairing, they actually compete for similar nutrients in the soil. Both are heavy feeders, meaning they require a lot of nutrients to grow properly. Planting them together can lead to stunted growth and lower yields for both crops.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes and tomatoes are both members of the nightshade family, which makes them susceptible to similar diseases and pests. Planting them together can increase the risk of fungal infections like late blight. It’s best to keep these two plants separated to avoid spreading diseases.

3. Cabbage

Cabbage and other brassicas, such as broccoli and cauliflower, release compounds that can inhibit the growth of tomatoes. Planting them together can result in smaller, less productive tomato plants. Keep these plants in separate areas of your garden to ensure optimal growth.

4. Fennel

Fennel is known for attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees, but it can also release chemicals that inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including tomatoes. Keep fennel away from your tomato plants to prevent any negative effects on their development.

5. Walnuts

Walnut trees release juglone, a chemical that can be toxic to many plants, including tomatoes. If you have walnut trees in your garden, avoid planting tomatoes near them to prevent stunted growth and yellowing of the leaves.

6. Dill

Dill is another herb that can inhibit the growth of tomatoes. Its strong aroma can attract pests like tomato hornworms, which can decimate tomato plants. Keep dill in a separate area of your garden to protect your tomatoes.

7. Rue

Rue is a herb that can release chemicals that inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including tomatoes. It’s best to keep rue away from your tomato plants to avoid any negative effects on their development.

8. Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is another member of the brassica family that can hinder the growth of tomatoes. Its large leaves can shade out tomato plants and compete for nutrients in the soil. Keep kohlrabi and tomatoes in separate areas of your garden for optimal growth.

9. Sunflowers

While sunflowers can attract beneficial insects like bees, their tall, bushy growth can shade out tomato plants and reduce their access to sunlight. Plant sunflowers in a separate area of your garden to avoid any negative effects on your tomato plants’ growth.

By being mindful of companion planting and avoiding these nine plants near your tomatoes, you can help ensure a bountiful harvest and healthy plants throughout the growing season.

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